Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My first action step

1- You may be powerless over many things but you are not helpless.
Although your life may seem unmanageable now, you no longer need to feel like a victim.
Craig J. Phillips

I was always led to believe that you had to work for acknowledgment; so when someone would take the time to acknowledge me as a person, it was very difficult for me to maintain that recognition. My emotional stability was base upon other people thoughts of me.
While on this life journey, again I tried to maintain my emotional stability by becoming an addict and by becoming this addictive person, my relationship with myself, others, and God, the relationship suffered. This addictive life style continued until I nearly killed myself and others on the job, and then I was in a car accident. This is when I realized that I didn’t have the power that I had over my life in the beginning. This was my first time ever feeling powerless.
Resulting from the car accident, I suffered a head injury. Along being an addictive person, now I suffered brain damage; two things that did have power over me. I found myself even more powerless when I had to learn things of the world all over again. People can be so unforgiving and the more I tried; it always went unanswered; so I grew more helpless and the more I had went before me, I began to receive power and strength from more Higher Power (God of my understanding )that I didn’t know I had all the time.
The power to decide for myself, my emotions and good health is decision that would be made only by me and not others, therefore, by having this free will to do so; it is my sole responsibility to decide whether I live a happy life, an independent life and a free life according to God’s term not of this world
Walter Hamilton.